The Bubble Tea
But what is this mysterious drink in which hides little colored bubbles? Like a mini-ecosystem straight out of a laboratory, Bubble Tea is a universe in itself! Made with tea or water, it comes in different flavors and with unusual ingredients like tapioca, popping boba and jellys. Sour (slushy) or creamy, the resulting potion is always fresh, because it is the basis of a quality drink! Our Bubble Tea recipe is suitable for North Americans and is different from Asian banners.
It gives something unique, just like you. The popping boba are made from real fruit juice, while the jellys are made from coconut flesh. A brilliant idea, isn't it !?
The Bubble Tea Story
Bubble Tea is a drink invented in Taiwan about thirty years ago. Also called Pearl Tea, Milk Tea or Boba Tea, this special fluid can be consumed hot or cold, alone or with friends, in store or at home… and above all, in 1001 ways!
The “original” version of Bubble Tea is an alliance between tea, milk and black tapioca pearls. It is due to these pearls that this potion is called "Bubble Tea" and that it must be drunk through a huge straw! A little Taiwanese lesson by the way: “pearl tea” is prononced zhēnzhū nǎichá, or 珍珠 奶茶.
Cool, isn’t it!?
To suit all tastes and especially to add to the fun, you can have endless bubble tea potions by playing with textures and flavors. Whether it's fruit, concentrated syrups or powder flavored, there are as many bubble tea as there are mini Doctor Franks!